Barry Donadio Wins Election In Maryland.
During Maryland’s primary election held on May 14th 2024, Barry Donadio was elected to the prestigious position of Alternate Delegate to the Republican National Convention. He obtained over 50,000 votes from Republicans in the 1st congressional district of Maryland.
Barry Donadio has been serving as the Sergeant at Arms of the Maryland Republican Party since 2017. He provides the entire MDGOP with executive protection, security and threat assessment services.
MDGOP Sergeant at Arms duties:
*Act as lead security protective detail, and escort for
Chair of the MDGOP, Central Committee Members, Republican Clubs, Republican Groups and guests and assets of the Maryland Republican Party.
*Responsible for protecting & maintaining order at
MDGOP conventions and Republican events.
*Responsible for providing additional security teams
when needed.
*Conduct investigations
*Act as a liaison with law enforcement agencies.
*Provide expert consultation regarding security,
investigations, national security assessments &
geopolitical intelligence.
*Conduct political candidate research when requested.
*Act as a fair and impartial negotiator and mediator
between opposing political campaigns.
*Act as a representitive ambassador of the MDGOP providing fair diplomacy, and be a confidential messenger for the Chair when
Always on duty and always at your service.